Three Ways A Coach Can Help With Burnout

You may have heard of burnout, you may have experienced it, or you may know someone close to you who has felt the effects of it. But after the year we’ve all had, there’s no denying it: burnout is here in a big way.

Whether it’s from too many Zoom meetings, too much screen time, cramped work from home situations, or keeping a multitude of spinning plates in the air, we are all suffering in some way and we are all ready for a change. But how do you know when it’s time to ask for help overcoming your burnout? Here are three areas in which a coach can help:

1. Personal Development & Emotional Wellbeing

True overwhelm has a unique impact on us: we are bogged down by the big picture yet also find ourselves harping on the details. If this is you, an overhaul might be needed. A fitness, nutrition, or lifestyle coach will start with a habit-mapping session to see where you are over-extending yourself, where your energy is being wasted, and where you are spinning your wheels on initiatives or lifestyle choices that are no longer serving you. An objective perspective is often what is needed.

2. Promotion & Career Advancement

There is no doubt that the shift in the workforce has changed the way we all approach our jobs. It’s harder than ever to get in front of your boss and show the good work you’ve been doing — so how do you get ahead? How do you showcase your strengths? How do you know if it’s time for a lateral move? Career blocks can cause confusion, frustration, and of course, burnout. Spending just a couple sessions with a career coach is sometimes all it takes for you (or your team, if you’ve all fallen off track) to set clear objectives and navigate the next chapter with ease.

3. Motherhood

It takes a lot of energy to raise little humans and there has been a tonnage of extra pressure on pregnant, new, and working moms this past year. From sleep to nutrition, working out to on-ramping after maternity leave and managing working from home while parenting, it’s exhausting and it can lead to deep emotional and mental fatigue. A coach can help prioritize, organize, and shift the focus back onto the mother’s health and goals so that she (and her team) can get running efficiently and happily again. 

Partnership for a holistic approach

As proud partners, The Coaching Company and The Motion Room work collaboratively to uplift every area of your life. Your wellbeing is more than just squats and sit-ups. But it’s also more than just your job. 

We have a truly holistic approach and we want you to thrive in every area of your life. (That’s why we created approaches like Sweat Equity at The Motion Room.) Get in touch today for a free discovery call. We can’t wait to help. 

coach James Cappellano

James Cappellano

Coaching Specialties:
Entrepreneur, Professional, Personal & Business Development

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